Sunday, April 29, 2012

Half Day Planning

It never seems like there is enough time to plan so last year our school implemented 1/2 day planning at the end of each quarter. It is amazing how much we can accomplish when we work together and are given a big chunk of time. We spend most of our day looking at math for the next quarter and ways we can improve lessons. To make our data unit more hands-on we planned some new line plot lessons. Check them out and let me know how you like them.


Amy said...

I was looking for some line plot ideas and found your blog with these line plot lessons. I think they will work really well for us. Thank you for creating and sharing them!

Anonymous said...

Hi friend,

Useful information like this one must be kept and maintained so I will put this one on my twitter list! Thanks for this wonderful post and hoping to post more of this!

Thanks a lot!
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